What Are the Benefits of Becoming a U.S. Citizen?

Whether it be to gain employment, stay with your family, start a life with your fiancé, or otherwise, hundreds of thousands of individuals seek out United States citizenship each year. Out of the many that apply, only a small percentage are accepted due to strict requirements set out by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Follow along to find out the benefits of becoming a United States citizen and how one of the proficient Wisconsin immigration attorneys at Sesini Law Group, S.C. can help you in this application process.

What are some of the benefits of becoming a United States citizen?

There are widely desired benefits that come with citizenship. In the United States, these benefits are considered some of the greatest honors that one may possess. Just some examples are as follows:

  • You will be allowed to travel with a United States passport.
  • You will be allowed to maintain your residency in the United States.
  • You will be eligible to apply for federal grants and scholarships.
  • You will be eligible to apply for government benefits.
  • You will be eligible to apply for federal jobs.
  • You will be eligible to become an elected official.
  • You will be eligible to bring other family members to the United States.
  • You will be eligible to bring your children younger than 18 years old to the United States.

In addition, some benefits double as responsibilities. For example, when becoming a United States citizen, you earn the right to vote in government elections. This Fourteenth Amendment right was greatly fought for, and this is a duty that is taken seriously among this country’s citizens.

Another example is that a United States citizen earns the right to serve on a jury. This may not seem like an honor at initial thought. However, serving on a jury is one way in which this country’s citizens uphold the highly-valued democratic process.

Is it possible for me to gain citizenship?

First, you must worry about qualifying for naturalization in the United States. Many strict requirements come with this application, and they are as follows:

  • You will have to show that you are committed to the principles and ideals outlined in the United States Constitution.
  • You will have to show that you can read, write, speak, and overall communicate in basic English.
  • You will have to show that you can recite a basic understanding of the United States government and its history.
  • You will have to show that you can recite an oath of allegiance to the United States.

Of note, there are a few more requirements for naturalization that were not mentioned above. So, if you are ready and willing to kick off your citizenship application, then you must employ one of the talented Wisconsin immigration attorneys today. We look forward to working alongside you.

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