Yes. When you file the adjustment of status application, you automatically file for employment authorization.
Employment authorization is going to take approximately 75 to 90 days for it to be approved. Technically, you’re not supposed to be working prior to obtaining an employment authorization. However, there are probably 11 million people in the United States that are working without authorization.
I will say this: You should not work. However, if you are filing to obtain your permanent resident status through a spouse, working without authorization is not going to affect you obtaining adjustment of status.
When filling out your green card application, you may grow anxious when you reach the section dedicated to questions about your criminal history. This is specifically if you have been charged with a misdemeanor offense before. Well, please continue reading to learn if you can still get a green card after… Read More
You may be thrilled that you have successfully undergone the United States immigration process and can now begin your life legally residing in the country. However, it is understandable if you experience feelings of homesickness, especially at the beginning of your stay. Or, you may experience feelings of guilt that… Read More
The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is very adamant about exclusively administering green cards to noncitizen spouses whose marriages with United States citizens are legitimate. At the beginning of your green card application process, you may have every intention of making your relationship work with your United States… Read More
The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) offers many citizenship opportunities for foreigners interested in living and working in the country. The government agency is particularly interested in those who can use their specialty talents for the betterment of the United States economy. That is why there exists the… Read More