In order to be eligible to go through the naturalization process and obtain United States citizenship, there are a number of requirements that contenders must meet. One of these requirements is that the person has good moral character. It seems like common sense, but if you are proven to commit acts that are in bad character, you may not obtain citizenship.
When filling out your naturalization application, you will have to answer questions that pertain to your moral character. Some of these questions may include inquiring whether you have committed a crime, whether you told the truth about your immigration status, and more. If you committed a crime with the intent to harm another person or with the intent to commit fraud, you will likely not be considered to have good moral character. Other examples of bad moral character can include illegal gambling, polygamy, persecution because of a person’s religious beliefs, race, nationality, etc., violations of controlled substance laws anywhere in the world, failure to make child support payments, committing acts of terrorism, and spending at least 180 days in jail over the last five years.
It is important that you are completely truthful in your Application for Naturalization and any interviews with a USCIS officer that you may have regarding your citizenship status. There are many ways that an immigration officer can find out if you are dishonest in any of your documentation and if so, it will jeopardize your ability to become a naturalized United States citizen. If you have questions about any step in the naturalization process, contact an experienced immigration law attorney today.
John Sesini is an experienced immigration attorney with offices in Green Bay and Milwaukee Wisconsin. If you have any questions regarding these matters, please contact the Sesini Law Group, S.C. and obtain your initial consultation.