How can a crime affect a noncitizen?

For individuals that are not citizens of the United States, being charged with a crime can greatly alter their lives. They may face removal proceedings from the country if they are charged with a crime of moral turpitude. These crimes can risk their stay in the country through deportation. Crimes of moral turpitude show a bad sense of character for a person. These crimes may involve fraud, larceny or a crime demonstrating an intent to harm a person. These crimes can involve dishonesty and theft. Other examples could be assault with the intent to rob or kill, spousal abuse and driving while under the influence of alcohol.

If you have a green card and are charged with a crime, you should seek legal counsel to see if deportation is a possibility. Your ability to apply for citizenship can be affected by these charges. To best protect yourself from deportation, you should consider acquiring an attorney.

Can I get a waiver of inadmissibility?

When you are faced with possible removal from the United States, you may request a waiver of inadmissibility. These can also be acquire when you  are trying to get approved for a green card to allow your residency in the country. However, a criminal record can have a big effect on these standings. With a waiver of inadmissibility, you may be able to reverse this effect and allow yourself entry into the United States.

You may be able to apply for a waiver of a crime of moral turpitude. To apply for this waiver, your crime cannot involve an aggravated felony of be a threat to national security. Also, you must have lived in the U.S. for seven years to qualify. In some situations, individuals were charged with possession of minor amounts of marijuana or crimes committed 15 years ago. These may be crimes that waive your deportation. If you were convicted of an aggravated felony, it may be very difficult to avoid deportation. However, if you can prove that you would face violence upon returning to your home country, you may be able to avoid removal proceedings.

Being charged with a crime is a difficult situation to face alone. Being charged with a crime without citizenship in the United States can be even more difficult since it risks your stay in the country. At these times, it is best to acquire legal representation to protect your future.

John Sesini is an experienced immigration attorney with offices in Green Bay and Milwaukee Wisconsin. If you have any questions regarding immigration law matters, please contact the Sesini Law Group, S.C. and schedule your initial consultation with our firm today.

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