14,000 People To Be Naturalized on Independence Day

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services has announced that in celebrating the 242nd birthday of our country, they will naturalize 14,000 new citizens. Between June 28 and July 10, there will be almost 175 naturalization ceremonies to welcome these new citizens into the United States. The first of the ceremonies took place in San Antonio, Texas on June 28 for the 37 new citizens who completed the naturalization process.

Interestingly enough, there are many questions on the civics examination that naturalization applicants must take regarding the independence of the United States. Therefore, it only makes sense for so many individuals to become naturalized citizens and celebrate their own welcome as citizens around Independence Day as well. Some of the questions that the USCIS asks citizenship applicants regarding the Independence of the United States include the following:

  • When do we celebrate Independence Day?
  • What did the Declaration of Independence do?
  • What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence?
  • When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?
  • Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

In addition to taking a civics and government examination to become a citizen, applicants for citizenship will also have to take an English language test. The language test requires applicants to prove their knowledge of English by reading, writing, and speaking.

If you have questions about becoming a citizen, contact us today.

John Sesini is an experienced immigration attorney with offices in Green Bay and Milwaukee Wisconsin. If you have any questions regarding immigration law matters, please contact the Sesini Law Group, S.C. and schedule your initial consultation with our firm today.

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